Tuesday, 4 December 2018

Games Testing

This week the readings where about testing. The first article I read was Level: 11 testing, the article went on to talk about the general concept of play testing. and how there are many different kinds that need to be differentiated, its important to be able to playtest your own creations and be able to set it up so others can playlets it too. This gives us valuable information about our games and if it works. Getting feedback from game-players e.g. target audience is way more important then game designers.

The next article I read was "Giving Criticism the good the bad and the ugly". This article talked about how criticism is good when done right. It talks about the good way of giving criticism which is constructive. Constructive criticism gives a good mix of good and bad, well not really bad just what could use work.

The article gave good tips for giving criticism and how to make it useful for the person you are giving  important information to. I liked how the article also gave some examples of good uses of criticism and of bad I found this really helpful and it will come in handy when I'm giving criticism in the future  and when I'm taking criticism as well it'll give me a better understanding

Sunday, 2 December 2018


This week I worked on getting my game ready to be tested and played. My game is far from perfect at the moment but I am happy with the progress I have made with it at the moment. 

Some of my scripting I am having issues with I had to delete my main menu from the start as it kept glitching my game for some reason my laptop just didn't agree with it for some reason. My gem is kind of working at the moment unity has been crashing a bit lately on me again but some elements of it still works. The gem is how I want it to look at it rotates and everything its just my character won't take it, I have to keep going back to my script and see why but the problem is hard to figure out.

I am happy with how my character jumps onto the vinyls, I spaced them out evenly so that when the character jumps it is less likely to fall off or miss it. My vinyls are more dome shaped then I would've liked but I think they give the game more depth instead of having them really flat, I just think at this stage if my vinyls where how I originally wanted them the game would appear really dull and boring not as good as it appears now.

I am very happy with how my game looks on screen and when being played, Its how I kind of imagined it obviously its not my exact vision from the start but thats ok because I was way too ambitious, I got a little bit carried away with all the features I wanted to add in.

At the moment I am liking how my game is and hopefully others will too, It matches my vision that I had from the start when I came up with this idea. I would like to keep working on it and constantly progress my work and the mechanics because mechanics are where I struggle.

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