Sunday, 17 March 2019

Game Design Document

For The Tiny Farm Games Design Document, I was in charge of writing and researching the target audience, Look and feel and the story.

For the target audience the game is being aimed towards a quite young demographic its a simple maths fun and Interactive E-Learning Game. The game is being targeted towards kids who enjoy video and online games but who also struggle with maths so Tiny Farm is the perfect medium for them to have fun but also learn.

For the look and feel I researched similar games that we could take some inspiration from and help base a solid outlook for our game around. The game is going to be very relaxed and interactive we took inspiration from Animal Crossing because of its use of speech bubbles that give helpful tips and its overall vibe. Leap frog was another e-learning centred brand of sorts that was a perfect it gave us guidance and showed us how a good e-elearnng game can promote positivity and fun around learning which is what we want to portray with our game.

I also wrote a bot about the story of our game. The game is centred around a farmer who needs help around his farm so that everything on the farm can be happy and healthy. The story will be lighthearted and easy to follow as we didn't want anything to complex for a game targeted towards such a young demographic.

Colour Look and Feel for our game Tiny Farm

What I wrote for the GDD

Target Audience

The Target Audience for our game will be for children aged between four to eight.

The game will be aimed towards kids that enjoy playing games on phones and online who also want to learn and have fun at the same time.

The game will be targeted for kids as just game we want the kids to think they are just playing fun interactive game but they will be getting the added advantage of learning and improving their maths skills.

The game will be targeted towards kids who find maths a bit tricky and need a bit of extra help.

The Look and Feel
The look and feel of our game will have quite a calm and cosy vibe.

We will use bright colours so that the game is enticing to kids. We will be using a lot of greens and blues which will produce a calming mood.

The game will be based around a farm there will also be a lot of autumnal shades of colour added including yellow and oranges which will evoke optimism and happiness, because the game is targeted at kids who struggle with math we want the game to be a fun and safe space where they can learn and have fun and not feel pressured or rushed.

The game will take inspiration from games such as “animal crossing” and the popular E-Learning programme of sorts “Leap Frog”.

Animal crossing uses little speech bubbles to give tasks to the player. We would like our main character to give tasks, so we thought this would be a nice way to give the player little helpful messages and tell them how to play the game
Leap frog is a brilliant E-Learning programme that uses different platforms to teach. Leap Frog has a way of teaching but with the illusion of it just being a fun activity.

The game is based around a farm the farmer is struggling to complete his daily tasks by himself and needs extra help to get them completed. The player will be helping the farmer with the simple tasks but will be learning maths along the way The tasks given out such as counting how many tractors were seen passing by counting how many pigs are in their pen and how many animals will it take to fill the barn tasks around the farm. Tasks such as these will play into the overall story and tell the player how they are getting on with the game, if a player isn’t doing too well the story wont progress and the farmer won’t get all his work done but little helpful tips will be displayed on screen to help and give the play guidance and keep their motivation going.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Emma,
    I really enjoyed reading through your game design document (GDD) for the game project this semester. I find the idea for your game to be really interesting and fun. After reading through your game design document from your powerpoint presentation images I feel like you have a real grasp on what you want to create with your group and how you want to go about doing it. So far your draft GDD looks really impressive and informative. How will the story progress? How long will your game be in the end? Whats your stylistic approach? The powerpoint presentation is really good and stylistic with the use of images that you chose. Overall I find your game design document and game idea to be really well thought out and fun!. I look forward to seeing the development of the game as the weeks progress and the final result. Good luck!
