I think the presentation went really well, we were quite happy with the game so far we had almost everything in it that we set out to have. Everyone seemed to like our game we got a few good comments about the game.
I think over the last few weeks our group worked really well together, we set out targets for what we wanted to get done each week and if someone was struggling with their job one of us would step in and lend a helping hand.
Our game really game together I would say in the last two weeks, everyone knuckled down and worked extra hard to get our game to the standard it is at today.
The game at the moment has all the levels done they just need to be added into the game and the audio has also been recorded just need to be added in more towards the final week.
Im glad that we were able to work well as a group and ultimately produce a fun and effective e-learning game of kids.
Hi Emma, I really enjoyed the look and feel of the game we saw in class, I feel it’s coming along really nicely, I feel it had a lot of good aspects to it and that It worked exactly how you would expect a children’s game for learning to work, I know you all have some few things to fix but these are minor tweaks and I feel soon the game will look super polished and ready to present again in class, I honestly been following this project and was happy to see it coming to life, I didn’t have anything bad at say about it at all, my only hope is that this could become more than just a college project and could somehow end up in schools to teach young kids and help them grow, all and all a great project and I am really looking forward to seeing it finished.