Thursday, 27 September 2018

Introduction post about me

My name is Emma-Louise Byrne, I am nineteen and live in Dublin.
One of my favourite modules I studied last year was visual creativity. I enjoyed it because it was interesting and fun to learn. I learned a lot of new skills that I hadn't had before and also got to improve on my drawing techniques.

One of my biggest accomplishments in the course last year was probably making my web site for web development because I really struggled with coding at the start of the semester. I made a website about the band Fleetwood Mac because they are my favourite band and the website ended up coming out really well and I got a good grade for it.

In my spare time I love to watch tv, one of my favourite tv shows is Brooklyn 99 another tv show I really enjoy is stranger things. They are great shows and I love there storylines.
The best movie I watched this year so far was probably Ladybird it was a beautiful movie with a great storyline which I think a lot of people could relate to. The movie was just so simple but also really fantastic.
My Favourite Show

I have two dogs at home, one is called Hugo he is a rough haired collie and is five and then I just recently got a puppy over the summer she is only three months old and her name is Sadie she is a mix between a terrier and a German Shepard. They are amazing and always make me smile even when I'm having a not so good day.
 My Dogs

Some of my favourite foods are pasta, salad and fajitas. I like making fajitas from scratch they are more flavourful when they are homemade. I also love to bake its one of my favourite hobbies a long with reading.

Music is a big part of my life, I was always surrounded by it growing up. I like playing guitar and listening to new and old music. I don't have a favourite genre because I listen to a lot of them I would find it too hard to pick. My favourite artists include Fleetwood Mac, Bon Iver, The Beatles and Carly Simon.

Fleetwood Mac- Go Your Own Way


  1. Heyy Emma :) I haven't called you by your first name since last year, this is weird. Favourite food includes salad? I'm sure you can smell the judgement. I love your dogs, they're more photogenic than I am. Fajitas are the best you'll have to teach me how to make them as I can't cook. The rat from rat from ratatouille possesses better cooking skills. Great music taste by the way your mother must be proud! Also who's your Stranger Things fave? Mine is Will. Kid needs a break am I right. Loved your post gal!

  2. Hello Emma Louise Byrne,
    Nah just joking, Hi Emma. Your blogs great! I can really relate with you because I was over the moon when I finished my website last year because I hate coding. Besides college, I kept on hearing about Stranger Things last year but I never really got into the show. I think I'm gonna have to give it another go. By the way, your dogs are awesome! Bring them to a lecture, cheers!

  3. hiya emma, i really enjoyed your blog, i really feel you on the coding side of things, but it is really rewarding to see your website come to life, iv'e yet to watch stranger things but iv'e heard good things, my favorite tv show is game of thrones, i really love your dogs they are super cute ^_^ and yeah music is a big part of my life also :) great introduction i dont have anything bad to say, keep up the good work :)

  4. Hi Emma, Nice introduction and very cute dogs! They have great names, I love when animals have human names. I also love Stranger Things, especially season 2. The boy who plays Will was unbelievable! And I also love Fleetwood Mac my favourite song is probably Gypsy, but Go Your Own Way is also a banger, so are most their songs in fairness. Anyway great post, fair play.

  5. Hey Emma, great blog post, was well detailed and fun to read through indeed. Its cool your biggest accomplishment was making the website last year, it wasnt an easy assignment, so I'd say you put in alot of work. Also stranger things is such a good show, also your dogs are pretty cute. As I said, I really enjoyed the post and good luck with the rest of second year.

  6. Hey Emma!,
    I really enjoyed reading through your introduction blog post today. I found it to be really fun getting to know you better. Your dogs are so cute and adorable! I have to agree with you about your biggest accomplishment from last year being the website because that was my biggest accomplishment too. I found this to be a really difficult assignment to do. Although this website assignment for itb is so much harder. Stranger Things is a good show I remember I binged watched season two over the course of three days? I think. Anyways,
    Good Luck with this module and course.

  7. Hey Emma, Nice blog and was very interesting to read them. i see that your favourite module was visual creativity. Visual creativity was my worst module, i totally disliked the module. i have never had fajitas myself but i have to agree with you that homemade is always more tasty. Anyway good luck with all the modules.

  8. Hey Emma,
    Before I get into anything, your puppy is soooooooooo cute, omg I'd love a pet but my landlord wouldn't let me have any. Stranger things and Brooklyn 99 are really popular, I've been recommended many times to watch them but with all these assignments I can barely bring myself to sit down let alone start a show. I'll make sure to give them a try over Christmas though!
