Saturday, 29 September 2018

Time Strategies

Time management is something I tend to struggle with I find myself most times worrying about how I will get everything I have to do done. I am gong to try this year to be on top of my work load and work more with my schedules not just for this module but for my other ones as well.

I am really happy with my schedule for the time being but as time goes on I will make sure that it is still working in my favour and not becoming too hard to keep up with.

The first article I read was "3 steps to recapture time" by Joynicole Martinez. I enjoyed this article because it had easy and absolutely doable tips and helpful information on how to take back your time. My favourite bit of advice given was to "Practice the art of no". I find it difficult sometimes to say no to people and a lot of what was said in this piece I related to especially when saying it can cause you to feel guilty which is something that I always feel when saying no. I will take on this piece of advice to become more comfortable with saying no.
Link to article

The next article I read was "Realistic study plans" by Amanda Collins. I chose to read this article because I want to learn how to make a better study plan for myself. It was really good and insightful, I will definitely be taking on everything that was mentioned in the article my favourite tip was to make study goals its something I sometimes do but not all that well so its something I will now be doing all the time.
Link to article

The final article I read was "How to beat Procrastination"by Caroline Webb. This was my favourite article because I am a terrible procrastinator and I am always looking for ways that I can try and not be one. I will take on all the tips given in this article because they are all going to be so useful and hopefully help me to stop procrastinating so much and just start doing.
Link to article

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