Tuesday, 9 October 2018

Game Elements

When I was growing up I was never really into video games, the odd one I would grab my attention but I never knew just how much went into creating a game and how technical and intricate they are. Before today I would have never known just how much goes into creating a good game.

Something I really liked and thought was interesting is the waterfall method when it comes to designing a game and in general I don't know how I hadn't heard of it before but I like how simple it is but how important it is in order to design anything this method is crucial.
Waterfall Method

I found "Design Considerations" by Greg Aleknevicus very insightful and gave clear tips that will help me when I'm making my game and make the process much easier now that I can apply these tips. I want my game to be have colour and be bright and exciting to look at but I have a tendency to go overboard do I like that one tip is to avoid clutter I will keep this in the back of my mind while designing my game. The article had really good tips for if your game will include cards, I'm not sure yet if my game will use cards but it is a definite option. The importance of a good theme is absolutely huge when designing a game, I liked how he said "have the theme work with the rules rather than against" its so simple but a great piece of information to keep in mind.

The next article I read was "Formal Abstract Design Tools" by Doug Church this article was a good read and had really helpful pointers and information. I like how the reader is urged to use multiple tools and to make it interesting for the player. The article goes on to use examples of Mario kart 64 I found this really interesting to read and try and understand. Tools can make a game great they can change a boring game into one that players will enjoy playing.

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