Unity for me is something that will take some time to understand and get used to using. I was luckily able to download onto my laptop without it crashing so I hope I will know be able to use it more easily than last week when it just didn't go well.
With this tutorial I learned more about adding code to your game. I found the tutorial really useful and easy to follow I did have to keep stoping and rewinding the video at parts and also sometimes the code just wouldn't be working so I would have to go back and fix my mistakes, which was good for me because I got to learn from my mistakes. The colliders are a bit confusing to understand but do able. I enjoyed learning how to add water and the walls but I don't think I will really be needing them for my game in the future.
It was fun experimenting with the cursor and changing it to how you would like it to appear in the game. Reycast is an important element to what will be my own game so I tried to follow the instructions as well as I could and understand what reycast is. I liked that you can change the reycast to what you would like the distance to be and that you aren't stuck with just one setting.
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