Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Games GDD

The Early Stages of Design Process outlines what we have to consider when making a game and how as we go on during this module we will learn more and more about the design process that involves so many different components.

The article I read was Design Considerations by Greg Aleknevicus. The article goes on to talk about rules for good design. Components is the first thing he outlines clearly. Greg gives good tips for example make the tiles smaller than the spaces it will be put on and to use shape and colour to distinguish pieces and to avoid clutter.

It was interesting to read about "The Box" and realise how important it is to a game and how many design elements are used for it. Greg goes on to talk about cards and that how most people think they are easy to make and this is why there is so many poorly deigned cards out there, he outlines how to produce a well deigned card with tips like have the index on all four corners, use large indices, use a white border and to include extra cards as replacements.

Theme was well discussed in this article. "The theme needs to work with the rules rather than against them" is something I will be keeping in mind. Rules are then played out and explained with tips on how to produce good rules first mentioned is blind test the rules which is a crucial step it will be of good assistance and is crucial, don't be intentionally vague with the rules this can ultimately ruin a game. There are many more examples of guidelines to follow though with when making rules. At the end of the article greg writes what he would like to see every company employ which is "Support your game online", "Make replacement parts available" and "Include extra components as replacements".

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