Sunday, 11 November 2018

Final GDD

Working on finalising my Game Design Document was a learning experience it was great to start to understand the different elements of my game and what people will be looking for and want to know about my game. I found some aspects of the document a bit difficult to fill out so more research and to be done so I was confident that what I was writing made and sense and would be understood. Writing my Game Design Document has been a huge step to understanding and getting ready to produce my game, it has built my confidence up and I am looking forward to continuing my work.

Dundoc Project


  1. Hey Emma! I really liked reading your game design document you've put so much effort into it so that's great. You've a great layout on your Dundoc, I can easily find all the information and learn all about your game. Record Scratch sounds like a great game, I think this game will do great and appeal to all audiences as most people have a good interest in music. I know I personally do so I'll definitely give this game a go when it's completed. It's cool that you're going for a retro type feel for your game, what exactly will make it retro? Maybe you could add some retro patterns to each record? The character sounds really relatable which is good because I think most people will emphasize with them. I like your game architecture section it really gets across the details and idea of your game. The layout of your Dundoc is really clear, you answered each section very well. The game controls sound simple to follow which is great as it appeals to gamers of all levels. This sounds like a great project I hope it all goes well for you:)

  2. Hi Emma, i really enjoy the concept of your game, it's simple but highly addictive, you seemed to have worked out something that could even be a real game in stores if you ask me, definitely appeals to a wide age variety audience between 12-70 i would say, everyone could enjoy this game.
    I would like to give you a few suggestions i could add if i may?
    I feel like adding in the concept of adding your own songs in as background music while playing could also be pretty fun or maybe adding in a jukebox mode where you could play a lot of different variety of songs, or even adding it into the game as like a mini game and if you hit all the notes you then get a boost or item to make the level a lot easier for you or it could even open up secret doors or something.
    all and all a great game idea, loved it :)

  3. Hi Emma, Great Game Design Document! I actually had added more to mine after reading yours, so thank you :)
    I love the game concept. And the name is great! Getting to pick your own avatar is really cool :) Are the prizes the vinyls for more lives? Are the vinyls moving to make it more difficult to jump on?
    It would be cool to see the songs you were thinking of playing while playing the game in the DunDoc.
    I think it's a great idea and a cool way for people to discover different music from different genres.
    It's a really great idea and I've never played anything like it before, I'm excited to see your further development on this game. Good luck :)

  4. Hey Emma, I really enjoyed reading through your Game Design Document, you had so much information in it which was great because it gave me a really clear view of your vision for you game and how you want it look by the end of it. I really like the retro feel that you're going for and I imagine loads of bright colours and a really happy world when I think of your game. Will the player be able to chose the music genre they play with, depending on their personal music taste? Also will the levels get harder each time, and in what way? This is a game I think I would really enjoy playing, a game to take your mind off whats going on around us and just enjoy some great music. It's a really great idea and I look forward to playing it. Good luck Emma!

  5. Hey Emma!,
    I really enjoyed reading through your Game Design Document for your game idea for your project. I found your DunDoc to be really detailed and informative which, is very helpful to the reader. I also liked your game because I found it to be really intriguing and I can't wait to see you implement all of the features that you have discussed in your Game Design Document. I liked that you chose to go for a retro style and that it would incorporate lots of bright colours. Will there be multiple music choice options? Will the player be able to choose what backing track they want? Will the music options evoke a mood in the player? I, myself would really enjoy playing this game because it sounds fun! Anyways, Great GDD! I look forward to seeing you develop it further and I can't wait to see your final game. Good Luck!

  6. Hi Emma!
    Really enjoyed reading your Game Design Document and I really like to idea of your game. You have a lot of detail of what you want for your game. When reading it, I got the idea of it being a Mario-type game and its good to see Mario is an influence on your game. The idea of your characters is clever. The level design is good as each will be different and I look forward to see what features they have based on the chosen music genre. Also, its good that we will hear background music based on the level's music genre. Will there be more levels based on other music genres? Will each level get more difficult? The game sounds like a fun and relaxing game. Really enjoyed reading your GDD with each section having good information for your final game. Looking forward to seeing your game and good luck.

  7. Hey Emma. Just read your final GDD there and I enjoyed reading it. Your idea is pretty cool, taking influence from Mario seems like a great idea and something fun, im hoping to do the same myself with the game. Your GDD is full of detail and each section is well explained and really pieces together how much effort this game will have and what it will be. Cant wait to see more of it and give it a go. Good luck.
