My favourite reading was probably the one from week 5 which was "Games GDD". I liked this reading because I found it really interesting and benefiting for me when making my game. Without a games design document a game will fall flat and not work its just not possible because of everything that needs to be recorded in the document and then added into the game. If you didn't make a document it would be beyond difficult to make a game because you wouldn't have any important information played out for anyone else to read and comment on to give guidance and opinions.
My reading notes are definitely helping me with my game without the readings and my blogs I would be completely lost and wouldn't really have a clue what I was doing, its great to be able to look back at my readings when I need to. I am a lot better at reading now then I was at the start of the semester I find I can read long articles and be able to pin point the important information a lot quicker then I could before.I am happy with my game project it has and is difficult but I am doing my best and constantly learning.My biggest accomplishment I would say is my blogs, I'm really proud of them because I put so much time and effort into them and I think it payed off. They have been a great source for me when making my game its great to have everything I've done in one place and so easy to find.
My Favourite Image
Looking Forward I would like to keep refereeing to my reading when creating my game as they will be of huge help throughout and give me a better understanding on how to make my game enjoyable and exciting. I would also like to look more at the growth mindset readings again to see if there is anything i could improve in my way of thinking and doing. Growth Mindset is something that I've really liked exploring, I had never looked into it before this module, so I am very grateful that it is now something I am familiar with and constantly improving on.
I really enjoyed the readings each week, I was and still am constantly learning and trying to extend my vocabulary which has made my writings so much better. Its been interesting looking back at my readings form the beginning to know, I can see how I've improved throughout the semester.
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