1. Fun is not the only purpose of a game, games can be successful without their main objective being fun.
2. It needs to be discussed more and not just between experienced game designers bit novices as well.
3. A lot of art games are small and simple in scope, so this gives designers a wonderful opportunity to establish themselves as game designers.
4. Know about the art history.
The next article I read was "Into the woods: A practical Guide to the Hero's Journey". The article goes on to talk about why the hero story is important and why bother with it, its important because myths are important they convey the values of society and teach each other who we are and how we should behave.
Myths give us a sense of personal identity, they make sense of community, they lie underneath our moral views, myths are our way of dealing with inscrutable mystery of death and creation. Storytelling is a way to make sense of the world its wired into our brains like spinning a web is wired into a spider. Without myths to guide our lives we are lost. To write stories you need to understand how myths are put together and communicated, that is why a hers journey is so important!
A professor Joseph Campbell analysed thousands and myths and found that some common elements kept popping up.
- Establishing the heroes world
- The call to adventure
- Entering the Mythological woods
- Trail of trial
- Encountering the evil one
- Gaining the hero's prize
- Returning the prize to the community
The article talks about how to use the hero journey to build your stories
- Pick your premise
- Create your hero
- Create a great villain
The next article I read was "What Every Game Developer Needs to know about story. The article talks about how important a story truly is to a game and how at the moment its a really hot topic in the industry. There are common misconceptions where people think story doesn't matter and story is dialog. The main thing is that Story is CONFLICT. The article goes son about story in general and what will work.
There is a classical story structure that follows
- First theres a protagonist e.g. Hero
- There world is thrown out of order by an inciting incident
- Gap opens between hero and orderly life
- Hero tries the normal life and fails
- Hero has to overcome a risk
- Then there is a reversal
- Hero has to overcome a greater risk to get over second gap
- Overcoming second gap means a third gap opens
- Third gap is the greatest risk to overcome and is the object of desire
The article talks about why character is crucial to a game and needs to be well thought out. We then learn the importance of reversals in a story, and how a story forms before a game. there are different types of conflict in stories e.g. inner conflict. The article then goes on to talk about the story and the writer and how to have good ending to your story.
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