This week we got to look at tutorials that we would find useful for our games. I find these really useful because its nice to be able to add our own ideas and do some research of our own into tutorials and find ones that will work and maybe not.
I found a tutorial by jimmy Vegas on how to make a credit screen for the end of you game. I found this tutorial really useful because it is something I would like to add into my game at one point. The tutorial was really easy to follow and understand. You had to add a UI Raw image into the game and then choose a background colour and anchor it to stretch you can then just play around with the positions to get to what you want it to look like. The part that was grand and simple was putting the text you would like to be displayed at the end of your game. I liked this tutorial and found it helpful and will be implementing it not my game.
The next tutorial I found was to do with putting an almost firework effect into your game. I found this tutorial at parts hard to follow but I really like the effect it displays. I think this tutorial may have been a little too advanced for my skill level for now. I did enjoy giving it a try though and giving my best to get it to work but it just wouldn't. The tutorial wasn't great to follow as I found it would skip over parts at times or I couldn't keep up. For now this probably something I will not be adding into my game but it was good practice and hopefully something in the future I will look more into.
Hey Emma, I'm glad to hear that you've found some Unity tutorials that will help you in your game development! There are so many Unity tutorials out there, it's just about finding the ones that best suit your game. Best of luck with your game and I can't wait to see the final outcome!